
Customisable API builder for creating applications

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Dare to be different. Take control

What is it?

Merlin is the data management tool built by developers for developers - your data, your way – with a touch of Merlin magic.

Build your own APIs for your various data sources and build something totally new!

Key Features

  • Hoover up the ingredients you want. Merlin is a data engine which enables you to import data from almost any data source.
  • Lightweight and flexible system designed to make your job faster.
  • The data structure is defined by you - rather than using any proprietary table structure.
  • It’s not “website-centric" works for any digital product.
  • Merlin can be used as a data migration tool.
  • Take control of the presentation layer. Use your preferred tools and programming language.
  • Easily import data from other formats and systems.
  • Manage and publish data without imposing any restrictions on either.


We love Merlin, without it we couldn't have written Protouree, our Tour managment and scheduling software for theatres, bands and dance.
Want to know more about Protouree?

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